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Hans van Baalen Scholarship - Junior Researcher

  • Brussels, Brussels, Belgium
Policy and Research Unit (PRU)

Job description

The ALDE Party in collaboration with the European Liberal Forum, the Centre for Security, Diplomacy and Strategy (CSDS) of the Brussels School of Governance (BSoG) at VUB, the Taipei Representative Office in the EU and Belgium, Taiwan Foundation for Democracy, and LYMEC-European Liberal Youth, is pleased to announce the call for applications for a full-time Junior Researcher position focused on EU-Taiwan relations. We invite prospective candidates to submit project proposals in accordance with the instructions provided below.

About the Scholarship

We are seeking research proposals on EU-Taiwan relations for this call. The international system is currently undergoing significant changes. The resurgence of great power competition and the shifting focus of global politics toward the Indo-Pacific region present challenges to long-held assumptions, norms, and structures that have defined international politics since the end of the Cold War. In this context, the balance of power and the projection of interests have become more prominent in international relations. However, the ongoing crisis in and around Ukraine has demonstrated that great powers may no longer have complete control over smaller states. Furthermore, international organizations have shown resilience, digitalization and technological advancements are shaping success factors, and the world economy is interconnected to a degree where isolation is not a viable option. These changes have a pervasive impact on statecraft, diplomacy, international security, and Europe's positioning on the global stage.

Within this framework, we invite research project proposals that explore any relevant topic, with a particular focus on the following sub-themes:

  • EU Strategic Autonomy and the role of EU-Taiwan relations. Given an increasingly assertive China and the aspirations of both the EU and Taiwan for strategic autonomy, there is a need to redefine EU-Taiwan relations to address modern challenges. We welcome research proposals that seek ways to address this question and propose policy initiatives that can be translated into concrete actions.
  • Regional security, defence cooperation, and the role of the EU. We invite research proposals on strengthening security and defense cooperation between the EU and Taiwan, including aid and information-sharing, as well as countering disinformation, cybersecurity threats, and challenges emanating from the Indo-Pacific region.
  • Commercial and trade interdependence in the context of ASEAN. Trade relations between the EU and Taiwan have grown in recent decades. Ongoing structured dialogues and consultations aim to build upon existing structures and efforts. Therefore, we welcome research proposals across all disciplines related to commercial and trade relations within the context of EU-Taiwanese relations in the wider regional and international legal and political trade context, for instance proposals on addressing non-tariff barriers to trade, IPR, subsidies and competition, as well as contractually enforceable, strong social, environmental, and human rights standards, to uphold shared values. 0ther relevant areas are also welcome.


We offer a full-time Junior Researcher position.

Contract type: Full-time professional immersion agreement for 12 months. Remuneration will be at the level of a full-time research assistant at a Flemish university, ranging between 1,700 and 2,000 euros net per month. Social security contributions are included, and secondary employment is not permitted.

The selected researcher will be based at the ALDE Party and the European Liberal Forum (ELF). The successful candidate will primarily engage in policy-oriented research, including active involvement in the analysis of public debates and policymaking related to the research topic. The role also includes participation in quantitative survey research as part of the ongoing public opinion research of the ALDE Party. Office space and equipment will be provided, and access to the premises and research community of the Brussels School of Governance will be granted. The final outputs will include, at minimum, a policy-oriented research paper and a workshop.

Job requirements

The successful applicant must:

  • Hold a master's degree in international relations, social sciences, political sciences, or law, with outstanding academic performance;
  • Possess full fluency in English (written and spoken); working proficiency in Mandarin Chinese will be considered an asset;
  • Have a thorough knowledge of international affairs, public policy, or European studies;
  • Have an understanding of quantitative methods and experience in statistical programming, preferably using R (considered a strong asset);
  • Show experience in designing and analysing survey research (considered a strong asset).

How to apply

Candidates for the Junior Researcher position will be selected based on the quality of their project proposals, work experience, and qualifications. Interested candidates should submit their application via the link below:

The application should include: 

  • One-page motivation letter
  • Curriculum vitae listing academic qualifications, relevant research experience and previous publications.
  • A project proposal condensed into 2,500 words, including a clear statement of the research question, an outline of the methodology to be adopted, and an overview of the expected results.
  • Contact details (email and telephone) of two referees who can comment on the candidate’s academic merit and character.

The application deadline is 15 August 2023. 
Short-listed candidates will be notified by 15 September 2023. The selected researcher will commence activities as soon as possible thereafter.
